More gems from the Bernie Drouillard Collection. Thanks to John for scaning them.
This one dates to June of 1967, and shows SWA # 339. Looking south on Ouellette Ave., from the corner at Wyandotte St. The still new-ish Dominion/Reitman’s building built in 1965 is visible behind the bus, as is the Vanity Theatre Marquee.
June 1967, Finds SWA # 351 parked in a lot downtown, check it out a Cigarette Billboard!
Another one from June of 1967, shows SWA # 355 at the Wyandotte/Ouellette intersection. Note the Centennial logo painted on the street.
This shot from March, 1975 shows SWA # 752 of the Campbell Line. I am assuming that Campbell became the Dominion line?
From the Border Cities Star - December 6, 1924, almost a century ago to the…
Built in 1929, the house at 2177 Victoria Avenue was originally numbered 1545 Victoria, pre…
Crescent Lanes first opened on Ottawa Street in 1944 at 1055 Ottawa Street, opposite Lanspeary…
Above is a photo of the home of Mr & Mrs Oswald Janisse, located at…
in 1917 two Greek brothers Gus & Harry Lukos purchased a one story building on…
Photo from Google Streetview A long time reader sent me an email the other week…
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Question about the third picture--the ??? loan incorporation building at Wyandotte & Ouellette St, before the United Church--was that building resurfaced or demolished for the Shopper's Drug Mart?? Will you be posting any prior pictures of that building??
David, I have been trying to find out about that building for years.
It was called the Douglas Building, and I had some questions about it from the familiy, years ago. I always thought it was demolished, however after seeing this photo, I am inclined to think it may have just been resurfaced.
The familiy was unsure if there was any link between the Dougals Building and the Douglas Apartments at Pelissier and Wyandotte.
Nice to see those pictures of what I assume are Flexible/Twin Coach busses. Seems every transit museum and their uncles have a fleet of General Motors TMD series busses, but those old Twins Coach rigs are few and far between......
Andrew, apparently the Campbell line ran up Campbell and down Wellington, then back again. The Dominion line eventually replaced it. Was discussing this post with Bernie this a.m. and hopefully he'll drop in and clarify the Flxible / Twin Coach lineage bit for Douglas as well.
The Twin Coach buses that the SW&A had where built by Twin Coach from 1947 to 1954, they operated four model types, 34S where numbered in the 200 series, 38S numbered in the 300 series, 41S numbered in the 400 series and the 45S numbered in the 500 series. The 34S had 34 seats, 38S had 38 seats and on. It wasn't till the late 1950's that Flxible purchased Twin Coach and built an Twin Coach/Flxible bus.
Thanks Bernie for clarifying that.
The guy out on Manning road has an old SW&A Twin Coach in his vehicle collection.
Why doesn't Transit Windsor have any old buses from the 40's or 50's in its' permanent fleet like London does? I bet you could find a lot of people who would be more than happy to donate their free time to restore an old bus. It's like the past doesn't matter in this town. No wonder we fall into the same economic ditch every ten years.
The city of London doesn't have any old buses, the two old buses that are in London #275 CCF/Brill model C36 and #116 an GM model T6H-4523N belong to an historical group that is employees or retirees of London Transit. Fortunately London Transit allows them to be kept at their garage. As for Windsor an number of years back some people there tried to get an old bus to restore, but becasue of the cost to restore one and not having really anyone interested in working on it, it was decided not to do one. The taxespayers would have had field day if they used public money to restore one. That is why there is none in Windsor today.
i live just off dominion and pass that corner (shown in the 4th picture) everyday to get to work. funny how something never change. if i remember correctly (or maybe my eyes deceive me) that green house is still there and still green.