
King Eddie

This has been making the rounds online…

Flush away…

This fiasco and the missapropriated funds happened on Eddie watch. It seems like it was covered up until AFTER the election last fall.

I think that King Eddie should at a minimum resign innediately from the WUC board, and take Junior with him. Both of them have been nothing short of shady during this entire mess. If fingers need pointing they should start righ there.

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Recent Comments:

  • Sage on Chinee Villa: “Was excellent food! Anyone who claims not to have been impressed is just speaking on behalf of an inferior competitor.Jan 26, 15:35
  • Mare Moore on St. Dennis Hall: “Hubby, myself and a bunch of union folk attended that Feb ’80 Harry Chapin concert at St. Dennis Hall. WOSH…Jan 22, 17:31
  • Paul Leo Fortin on Hi-Ho: “ the number of errors in the history of the fast food driv-n inWindsor in Windsor Ontario are to numerous…Jan 1, 12:44
  • Mister Man on Sprawltastic: “Well, the house on Unicorn Avenue is still up for sale, so the market hasn’t really spoken, has it?Nov 7, 09:49
  • RobS on Sprawltastic: “I’m revisiting this post from the future. I saw a number of comments asking how this subdivision would hold up…Oct 8, 15:38


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