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June 2007
Categories: News

Message Board?

I’ve noticed recently that more and more new arrivals are leaving comments on very old posts that probably receive little traffic.

If a comment or question is left there it would likely receive little attention.

Would there be any interest from the readers to have a Message Board/Forum on this site for posting messages, asking questions , etc…

Please post a comment here, Yes or No to the idea.

It would be quick and easy to set up, so if there is interest it could be live in a day or so…


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  • I think IM is fine the way it is, Andrew. Although I'm sure others will probably like the idea of a general message board, with your current format the comments are at least always relevant to the blogs theme. You always manage to generate some discussion with almost every post you put up. We really don't need another general "koffee klatch" type forum though. Lots of those already, ie. Windsor Users on Livejournal. Just my two cents!

  • I wouldn't recommend a forum unless you get a ton of traffic. Otherwise it will be really dead. If you do do a message board stay clear of phpbb. Alright software but there are patches for it all the time. WHen i ran i got hit before there was even a known flaw

  • I think it would be a great idea to have a forum. There's always buildings in this city I'm curious about, such as who was the architect or who owned the building when it was originally built or what was the story behind it, and hopefully, someone out there will have the answers.

  • Perhaps instead of a forum where you could do is display the last X comments on the front page. I know some other blogs do this. Then anyone who goes to the main page will see if some older topic is receiving activity.

  • I've noticed on other sites that one can post a reply to a comment and the original commenter is notified by email that a reply was posted. Others have icons that indicate what topics have new posts since your last visit. I imagine those might require passwords and user IDs - too much hassle for occasional comments on old posts.

  • I think I like the idea of posting a reply to the user that poses a question too.
    Another question, how does a girl contact you to offer an updated picture of any of these pictures? I have a couple I'd like to share as I've taken up photographing areas of Windsor myself.

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