Photo Du JourWindsor

Old CAA Demolition

Driving past the corner of Ouellette and Gilles, I noticed that demolition was rapidly progressing on the former CAA building.

It seems like just yesterday they were doing prep work.

There is a new sign up to go with the Petretta Construction one. Determined Demolition. The website URL listed on the sign seems to be not helpful at all.

The rapidly shrinking shell of the older north section is being gobbled up from the rear. I can’t wait until the whack at the front, I’d love to see what’s under that skim coat…

Just like at the old Champion Spark Plug Factory, debris is sorted into separate piles. Hopefully, as much of the building will be recycled as possible. Building demolition fills far too much space in landfills needlessly.

Shouldn’t be too much longer now…

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