Photo Du Jour

Here and There…

The last few days had me on the grand tour of Southern Ontario. From Lake Simcoe to Lake Huron, and all points in between…

My Grandparents former house in Newmarket, Ontario. It looks much different today that it does last time I was in it, about 20 years ago.

A scan of the mortgage papers on the above house. $1560.00 @ 9 % interest back in 1963. The house was built in 1958.

A little east of Newmarket, is the town of Sharon, Ontario. Home of the bizarre Sharon Temple. Built by the Children of Peace in 1825, they had something to do with Quakers… More info on the impressive Temple can be found here.

End of day one, nothing like a hotel room with a view… đŸ™‚

The Bedford Hotel, in Goderich. The sign on the front reads: “Thanks Kati, We’re proud of our Canadian Idol”. To my American readers, yes we’ve got a version of this mess on our TV too… Apparently someone from Goderich was on the show, and lost, but the town’s still proud of her.

The Huron County Court House. Despite it’s art deco appearance, it wasn’t built until 1954. Plans must have been drawn up during the Depression, but put on hold due to WWII.

A final shot for the Rail Fans out there. A Canadian Wheat Board, car from 1979. You don’t see too many of these rolling anymore. most of the time they just read “Government of Canada”.

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Recent Comments:

  • Robert McMaster on Detroit Police Country Club – Wheatley – 1926: “George Crewe’s information is not accurate. I have seen the architect’s plans for this facility. A central feature is a…Feb 8, 14:08
  • Sage on Chinee Villa: “Was excellent food! Anyone who claims not to have been impressed is just speaking on behalf of an inferior competitor.Jan 26, 15:35
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  • Mister Man on Sprawltastic: “Well, the house on Unicorn Avenue is still up for sale, so the market hasn’t really spoken, has it?Nov 7, 09:49


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