Photo Du Jour

The Hammer

Yesterday I was in Hamilton. Visiting factories as a function of my job tends to take me into older parts of many cities. Hamilton is Canada’s Steel City, the Canadian eqivalent of Pittsburgh, however there are parts of Hamilton that remind me of Detroit.

An older residential street.

Half a block farther up the road you find this. In a two block stretch, you find, houses, train tracks, a car junk yard, a casting plant and a meat warehouse!

More older housing stock.

Seemingly vacant Steel Mills on the lake shore.

“Celebrating a great partnership”. Arcelor bought bankrupt Dofasco. Steelco, the other major producer in town also went bankrupt. You think time are tough in the auto industry? How about the hard times in the steel industry?

Here’s a view of the Burlington Skyway, the twinned bridge that connects Hamilton and Burlington. This bridge was originally a toll road, but the tolls were removed in the 1980’s. Here’s a brief history of the Skyway.

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