Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Sandwich Street Looking West - 1895

Image from the SWODA A shot of the south side of today’s Riverside Drive looking west from Ouellette. The front entrance of Merchants Bank building (later the Ritz Hotel) is visible on the right hand side of the photograph. The old Norwich Block is visible on the left hand side, along with the block now occupied by the former Cleary Auditorium (now the St. Clair Centre for the arts). Like…
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Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Central Fire Hall - Pitt Street - 1895

Image from the University of Windsor SWODA A view of the first Central Fire Hall on Pitt Street at McDougall. The photo above dates to 1895, probably not too long after the station was built. It was replaced in 1928 by the second Fire Headquarters featured here, which was…
Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Lost WindsorWindsor

401 Bruce Avenue

Photo from Google Streetview Driving through downtown Windsor the other week, I noted that this place, that sat at the south west corner of Bruce and Park was just a vacant lot. Photo from Google Streetview While the front suffered from a bad siding job, a view along the Park Street side revealed a look at this old house. Probably once a beauty, it got run down, and chopped up into apartments.
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Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Elmwood Casino - 1984

The photo above ran in the Detroit News in January 1984. It accompanied a story on the conversion of the old Elmwood Casino into Brentwood. This photograph shows the original entrance to the 1940’s dining room and lounge. The original entrance featured tile mosaic…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Detroit - Windsor Tunnel Construction - 1929

Today’s picture shows the construction of the tunnel on the Windsor side, this is looking north towards Detroit, Park Street crosses right there. Note the big old house on the left hand side behind the armouries. That house is today a parking lot. Windsor at one time…