Lost WindsorOld PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

GM Transmission Plant

A few aerial photos of the Kildare Road factory prior to the giant renovation in 1982. In these old photos you can clearly see the separate buildings. The building on the far right served for many years (1950’s though 1980’s) as Transit Windsor’s Kildare Road garage. Old saw tooth roofed buildings, along with the old water tower. After the expansion and renovation… The…
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Reader SubmissionWindsor

TD Bank Rises

So the TD Bank is on the way up. After a lot of underground work the building rose above ground pretty quickly. Too bad it’s going to look like it does. Another pedestrian unfriendly glass wall, and another dead block in the core. Reader Syl, sent in these photos of…
Reader SubmissionStuccoWindsor

More Stucco

Back in March, you may recall, I covered the history of the Janisse Brothers Funeral Home, that was orignally the Leo Page house. Well guess what? Photo courtesy JS STUCCO TIME! Big thanks to all who emailed and told me about the “update” to the building, and big thanks to JS who sent in the photo. Wowers. I’m sure it will look extra craptabulous once it’s done. I’ll…
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Reader SubmissionWindsor

Great Sucess!

Nick, who helped organized last weekend’s empties donation for Leukemia, reports that over $2000.00 was raised at the Dougall Ave. Beer Store alone. A big thank you goes out to everyone who dropped by and donated their empties to the cause, and a big thank you goes…
Reader SubmissionWindsor

Streetcar Ghosts

These photos come courtesy of regular reader Urbanrat, who in his travels stumbled across unearthed streetcar tracks in Ouelllette Aveune. As you know the next round of streetscaping is underway along Ouellette, and apparently some old rail infrastructure reappeared after…
Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Canadian Bridge Company - Part 2

Thanks to Chris Edwards, who send along even more info about the CBC to share with everyone… All photos from a company promotional booklet from 1943. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the Chris Edwards Collection A copy of the company logo. From the Chris Edwards Collection Inside the plant 2 assembly shop. From the Chris Edwards Collection Inside the plant 2…
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Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Canadian Bridge Company - Part 1

A while back I got an email from a reader who wanted to know a little something about the Canadian Bridge Company, another part of Windsor Industrial Heritage. From the collection of Chris Edwards The first batch of photos comes from the collection of Chris Edwards. Chris…
Old PhotographsReader SubmissionWindsor

Windsor Assembly

Today’s photo was sent along from a regular reader. An interesting early aerial photo of the Windsor Assembly Plant. I’m unsure of the date on this one, but it’s probably from the mid to late 1930’s. The view is looking south from Walker Tecumseh…