Lost Windsor

1706-1748 Wyandotte St E

The photo above shows the lost building at the corner of Windermere and Wyandotte in Walkerville. The tan building on the right had 6 addresses, 1706, 1718, 1726, 1730, 1736 & 1748 Wyandotte St E, with apartments above. I think it was 4 retail units, with two apartments. The night of the big blackout August 14, 2003, a resident on the second floor had a candle lit for light, which ended up…
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MapsOld Ads

Clinton Park Subdivision 1913

The early years of development of the city in the boom years before WWI saw parcels of the city being purchased and subdivided to meet the growing need for new residential areas in the Border Cities. One of these subdivisions was the Clinton Subdivision. Encompassing the…
Old Photographs

Wyandotte & Langlois c. 1957

A shot from the late 1950’s looking east from Wyandotte & Langlois. Evan’s Store is on the corner. The 1955 directory lists it as Evan’s Drugstore No. 3, while the 1958 phone book simply lists Evan’s Store at 1000 Wyandotte St E. The next few store fronts are…
Old Photographs

St John the Divine

Designed by John Boyde, this Russian Orthodox church was built between 1946-1950. Located at the north east corner of Richmond & Drouillard at 1094 Drouillard, this yellow brick building replaced an earlier Russian orthodox church that was built on this site in 1916.
Old Photographs

Whelpton & Drouillard – Looking West

A neat shot from the late 1950’s probably around shift change. This one is looking west towards Drouillard road. The long gone Temple Theatre visible in the background. To the left of the bus is today’s home of the Grand Cantina. Beyond the Temple Theatre, it may be…