Happy Wednesday everyone! Here today is an old advertisement for The Diana Restaurant in Leamington. Sounds like this place was around since the late teens and made it to at least the mid 1950’s. Any county folk have any memories of the place?
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It was around into the 70’s I believe. There was a big fire and that was the end of it. It was called Diana Sweets at the end.
Was it once a movie theatre converted to Diana’s? Has that look.
In the mid and late fifties it was commonly just called Diana Sweets. It was operated by Alex’s and George Kondurace. (spelling might not be correct) The restaurant had large chocolate display counter and cigar section across from soda fountain area. It was the first place in Leamington to sell pizza in mid fifties.
The layout of the booths may appear as theater seating. but not large enough space. Leamington had two movie theaters the Vogue on Talbot St. east, and another one on Mill St.
but closed in early fifties it was just west of Erie St.
Wasn’t there a Diana Restaurant in Leamington in the mid 90s or so?
I too remember it as Diana Sweets. It was owned by a family of Greek immigrants, one of whom was George Christopher. (obviously changed his name to sound “anglo”). He died about 40 years ago well into his 90’s.
I learned to swear in Italian in that place in the early 70s.
Amy, you are correct. It was a stone’s throw from Highway 18.
Ex Leamington are you confusing Georges White Lunch on Erie St. S next to Moran’s grocery store, or George who hade the Mill Bar, next to Chuck’s dairy bar? During the early fifties I went to Selkirk
school with the daughter of on of the owners, and her name was not Christopher.
From 1970 to about 1981, Diana’s was owned by three Greek men and their families- George, Gus and Nick. It was a great family restaurant.
Every summer from the mid 70’s to early 80’s I’d stay with my Grandparents in Kingsville. Every Wednesday was shopping day and this was where we ate lunch. I remember it as Diana’s.
Sherry, you are correct, Diana Restaurant was owned by George, Nick and Gus, but it was sold on August 25th in 1980 to Dominic and Tony.
I worked there (Diana Sweets) the summer of 1971. Yes, the owners were greek and very nice and fun to work for.