Today, Sunday June 29th, the BMO was/is being demolished.
Par for the course for a City that has no planning vision…
Photos tomorrow.
Today, Sunday June 29th, the BMO was/is being demolished.
Par for the course for a City that has no planning vision…
Photos tomorrow.
Recent Comments:
How shady is that eh? Why do they wait until a SUNDAY to do this? Same thing with the Seagrave building and being demolished after hours. These developers must have at least the teeniest tiniest fear of the enraged public.
M.O.M. has a few pics up .
I got a picture yesterday of the back of the building, was going to go out front, but the darn rain stoped me… Went by tonight and she was a pile of rubble… I should have stood out in the rain and took some pictures… Lets just wait and hope that the City puts more buildings on the list now, that they realize this crap…
That just blows. I would have came over with my pickup and removed the crest, doors, windows and possibly the columns, if there was a way to remove it without breaking it, if they gave anyone a chance. All wasted.