Out where the failed town of Ojibway stands, once of the few remaining peices of the Steel Plant that was supposed to make Ojibway into the Gary, IN or Pittsburgh, PA of Canada is coming down. Another chapter in Windsor’s rich history meets the wrecking ball… Big thanks to reader Nikki for the heads up as she saw the bulldozers at work yesterday morning.
Two world wars and a great depression, effectivley killed numerous plans for the massive factory, and only a small portion of which was ever built.
The building in the process of being demolished was the old Tin Mill. Some shots of the inside can be found at Mike B.’s excellent site, here.
Here are a few shots from April 2006.
Here are some photos from yesterday, as you can see they made good progress yesterday, and before long, the building will only be a memory, much like the former Town of Ojibway.