Photo Du JourWindsor

Frank H. Joyce House

This grand structure at 3975 Riverside Dr. East in Windsor is the reason for the latest battle in heritage preservation on the Windsor side of the river. The home which has served as the convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph since 1953 was put up for sale. The building, with ties to the early days of the automotive industry sits on a massive lot fronting Riverside Dr and the Detroit River. As…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Impending Demolition

Over on Windsor’s west side, there is an impending demolition brewing. On Sunset Avenue there is a small grouping of five houses. A small remnant of of how the area once looked before the University of Windsor Moved in. Many other Universities seem to have a habit of…
DetroitPhoto Du JourWindsor

2006 - The Year In Review

As I have been doing for the last several years (the 2005 Review is here, 2004, 2003), I try to recap the buildings that have been lost over the past year, and present them as a summary. This house in Windsor went up in flames to an arsonist early in the Summer of 2006.
Photo Du JourWindsor

New Bus Terminal - Part II

Work continues at the new downtown Bus Terminal. It’s pretty amazing to see how quickly this turd has gone up. Compare the photo above, with this taken one October 31st. Less than two months ago nothing was visible above grade, and today the entire cinderblock and metal monstrosity has risen. Also, apparently “Bus Terminal” or “Bus Station” isn’t…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

488 Janette

For today’s photo, we head over to 488 Janette Ave. in the downtown core area. This flop house caught fire about a month ago, and is still stitting in its burned out state. Neighbours complained that it was a crack house, and it apparently was well known to police. I…


Imagine my surprise when I picked up my copy of today’s Windsor Star… “Is the Bridge laying the groundwork for a second span?”, the paper asks? Slow down there on the speedy local reporting… 🙂 Funny, but it sounds similar to this blog entry…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Indian Road

Today we drive out to Windsor’s west end and down Indian Road, where I had heard rumors that the Bridge Company was busy tearing down buildings in anticipation of the twining of the Ambassador Bridge. Indian Road, is a nice little street, that has the misfortune of having a bridge in the backyard. Most of the east side of the street, abuting the Bridge proberty is rental homes owned by the…
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