Photo Du JourWindsor

Needs More Parking...

I noticed in the Council Agenda for the meeting upcoming on the 19th, that the “Proposed Acquisition” of 1024 Elsmere and 1030 Elsmere is planned to make way for another Erie Street parking lot. 1024 Elsmere 1030 Elsmere The worse thing I can see about the demolition would be the loss of the huge mature tree in between the two properties. I would hope that the tree is saved in the…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Then and Now - Howard Avenue House

So, how do you take a run down Edwardian house and make it uglier? Order a truck full of vinyl siding, have your contactor remove any 100 year old bargeboard, oh and box in the fan on the gable end peak too (you can’t see it in the “before” shot, but trust…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Capitol Theatre Rally

Yesterday evening, I slipped over to the Capitol Theatre to check out the “Save the Capitol” rally. What a great job by the local arts community to rally the troops and mobilize within 24 hours to stage a rally to show support for the Capitol Theatre which is on…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Boose's Cottage Tourist Camp

The other day’s post talked about the 1930’s phenomenon of Tourist Camps. Below are a few post cards I have collected along with some other information on Boose’s Camp. Anyone know anything about it? This advertisement is from the 1937-38 Tourist Guidebook…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Kavanagh's Tourist Camp

The postcard above was postmarked in 1948, however it is likely a much older photograph. Tourist Camps were all the rage in the 1930’s as more and more people traveled around by car. Tourist camps were motor lodges where you rented a little hut in a campground type…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Old CAA Demolition

Driving past the corner of Ouellette and Gilles, I noticed that demolition was rapidly progressing on the former CAA building. It seems like just yesterday they were doing prep work. There is a new sign up to go with the Petretta Construction one. Determined Demolition. The website URL listed on the sign seems to be not helpful at all. The rapidly shrinking shell of the older north section is…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Grace Hosptial - Part II

A few more photographs of Grace Hospital. Note I made a few corrections to yesterday’s post as information became available. The Old Ellis House buned in 1960 Grace Hospital & Hotel Dieu merged in 1994 Labour Delivery Admision ceased December 11th, 2003 Grace…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Grace Hospital

Today we head over to the abandoned Grace Hospital site. Many Windsorites came into the world at Grace Hospital, my Mother included back in 1946. The photo above dates to 1920 and comes from the collection of John Stefani. Many thanks to John for scanning and sending along…