Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

College Of The Assumption

The Photo above is from the book “Picturesque Detroit & Environs” published in 1893. It shows what is today Assumption University. This appears to be after phase three of the construction. A postcard from the early 1900’s. As you can see the building has received another addition to the north. This appears to be phase four. Here are a set of blueprints dated March 1875…
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Windsor Taught Me Everything I know

If you’re looking for something interesting to do on a Tuesday night, head on over to the Downtown Library, and check out the Tuesday Talks, featuring Windsor native (and frequent Internationalmetropolis.com commentor) Shawn Micallef , and his talk entitled…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Standard Foundry

On Walker Rd., just south of the no longer existent Cataraqui Place, stood the Kerr Engine Works plant. The plant had two divisions, Kerr Engine Works and Standard Foundry & Supply Co. A view of the 1937 Fire Plan An artists view of the plant c. 1910. As time went on…
Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 5

From June 1927: ARCITECTS DRAWING FOR $1,500,000 CLUB BUILDING This 12 story building was designed by Pennington & Boyde, it was supposed to be built at Pitt & Dougall. It was going to be home to the North American Athletic Club. The plan was for floors 5-11 to be filled with rooms, similar to the YMCA. It’s a shame that these buildings featured this week weren’t realized.
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Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 4

From December 1928: PROPOSED ROYAL WINDSOR HOTEL This building was to be the tallest hotel in the British Empire. Designed by O’Dell, Trace & Diehl, it was to be part of the Royal Windsor Complex. The Apartment Building (still standing) and Garage (demolished)…
Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 3

From December 1926: NEW HOTEL ALSO ON 1927 PROGRAM Part of the hotel devolopment being planned for the Border Cities. This is the architects’ drawing of the new hotel which a syndicate headed by Ace K. Davis, proposes to erect at the corner of London St. (University…
Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 2

From February 1929: PROPOSED SKYSCRAPER FOR DOWNTOWN WINDSOR Planned for the Northeast corner of Wyandotte and Ouellette, it’s a shame this one didn’t get built. Plans were put forth by Fred W. Martin, promoter of the Windsor-Detroit vehicular tunnel. Two or Three stories of this proposed building were offered by Mr. Martin to member of City Council for use as a civic office, instead…
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Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 1

A new category has been added, “Unbuilt”. Some of the grand plans for this city that never got off the ground. The more things change, the more they stay the same I suppose… From February 1914: EIGHT STORY HOTEL COSTING $350,000 TO BE ERECTED ON OUELLETTE…
Photo Du JourWindsor

More Lost History...

Out where the failed town of Ojibway stands, once of the few remaining peices of the Steel Plant that was supposed to make Ojibway into the Gary, IN or Pittsburgh, PA of Canada is coming down. Another chapter in Windsor’s rich history meets the wrecking ball… Big…