NewsPhoto Du JourStuccoWindsor

Contest Time!

Ok, as everyone knows, I LOVE STUCCO! I’ve decided to roll that passion and love into the first ever Stucco Photo contest. Here’s how it will work. Grab your camera, head out and take a photo of that fugly stucco building you pass by all the time. When you’ve done that, go ahead an email the photo to: Once all the…
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Detroit Calendar & Antique Sale

A few odds and ends heading into the weekend. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Our good friend Rob over at, once again has the Detroit…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Old Signs

I was out one morning a while back when this sign caught my eye in the early morning sunlight. At one time all of our main street businesses had big signs like this one. Slowly but surely they’ve almost all dissapeard from the landscape. Personally I like seeing the…
Apartment BuildingsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Parent & Hanna

I’ve always liked this building at the south west corner of Hanna & Parent. I like how it has a mix of architectural elements that are not found in other apartments around town. I don’t have any information on it, other than it doesn’t show up in the 1924 directory (in fact there is nothing built on the west side of Parent, between Ottawa and Hanna), but it does show up on…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Universal Button Co.

Early Saturday Morning, the old factory at the corner of Walker Rd and Richmond St. beside the Beer Store, most recently home to the Flag Depot went up in smoke. This view is looking east from Erie and Parent. By the time I got down there about 7:45, the fire had already…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Chrysler HQ Flashback

Going though some old photos, I came across these photos of the Chrysler Headquarters under construction. I posted these photos, once a long time ago. But I couldn’t find them on the site, so they may have been on the old version of the site. May 6, 2001 – The…
Photo Du JourWindsor

South West Detention Centre

Yesterday morning happened to be the third and final of the public open house/information sessions in Windsor in the initial phase of the new Windsor Jail a.k.a. the South West Detention Centre . I asked the people there, if the roof in the concept was a Green Roof, and if they were planning on making the structure as energy efficient as possible. They told me, while there are no final plans…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Turning Your Back On Your Roots...

As any regular readers here will know, no one gets a free pass, least of all churches. 😉 However, there was an article in the Windsor Star last week, that really got me fired up. It sickens me the way groups and businesses turn their back on their roots and on the core…