Situated on Riverside Drive, just east of the junction of Little River and beautiful Lake St. Clair, is Edgewater Thomas Inn, famous along the Border as a rendezvous for many a brilliant gathering.
An extensive remodeling program, completed this year, has completely transformed this establishment. The elaborate exterior construction and landscaping work has created and absolutely new appearing building, which, with ground beautification, adds another fine structural landmark to the Border’s famous lake and river drive.
A striking scene of loveliness is exemplified in the interior, with its finish of selected fir paneling, chromium trimmed upholstered furniture amid deeply piled carpeting.
A harmonious color scheme is effectively reflected in artistic drapes and wall ornamentation.
Functions of all kinds are held in this hostelry, and the excellence of its delectable viands, along with all the modern appointments of a first-class hotel, make the name “Edgewater” outstanding in the minds of Border pleasure-seekers.
The distribution of favors and door prizes to its guests is a feature here every night of the week.
Edgewater Thomas Inn’s New Year’s Party is an event of the year.
Nineteen hundred and thirty-nine will be ushered in with hilarious joy and fun-making.
Preparation have been made to cater to the demands of patrons who gather here in large numbers for the biggest party of the year.
Mr. Russell Thomas is the proprietor of this well known hotel.
The Edgewater was a local landmark. In the early 1960s the building was purchased by Detroiter Adam Martini, and was renamed Martini’s. The place never really took off and was closed by 1968.
After sitting vacant for two years, on July 10, 1970, an early morning fire ripped though the building and destroyed it. A new restaurant was built on the site in 1983-1984 and was known for years as Lilly Kazillys, and is currently operating as the Harbour House.