No real info on this one, just a date stamp on the back, which I suspect is not 100% accurate. The stamp reads “Dec. 13, 1974”, but given the trees in full foliage, it was obviously not take on that date, but is probably the printing date. Still a neat view of Walkerville as it once was.
A good shot of the old Neon Canadian Club sign.
A view of old industrial Walkerville – the older dark brick buildings in the foreground were part of the Studebaker Factory, while the long sprawling complex in the distance was the Fisher Body factory. Both buildings were destroyed in fires.
Enjoy the weekend, see you back here Monday.
I still mourn the loss of the Canadian Club sign…if you passed by at night when there was no traffic you could hear the switches and lights clicking on and off in sequence.
I haven’t lived in the area since the early 70’s, but the Canadian Club sign and the Windsor “Only 5 Minutes Away” signs were two classic pieces of the neon art form, and are part of the memories of my youth.
Great photo.
Best I’d be able to do is take a picture of it outside at high resolution. Unless somebody has a better idea?
I have a similar large color poster of the same area. I have no way of scanning it into the computer though.
I hate to hijack this thread, but i wanted to get the word out. Kudos to Windsor Police for taking Jason Schultz into custody last night. Walkerville sleeps better tonight! Schultz is suspected to be responsible for over 13 break and enters in Walkerville in the past month.
I have been in communication with Alan Halberstadt and the Windsor Police department over the past week. They are in the works of arranging a community safety meeting in the near future. I will post the time and date once I have more info.
Hijack all you want. that is great news.
The Canadian Club sign was a iconic in its own way to the area as the HOLLYWOOD lettering. Too bad people often do things as they please.
I have an early colour photo (8×10) of the sign taken from nearly the same angle – I will try to find it, and send. Great post Andrew!
Andrew, I thought Studebaker was on the east side of the C&O tracks, just north of that saw toothed roof. Those old brick buildings in the foreground look like Hiram Walkers old wearhouses…no?
I’m betting you’re right…but I’m confused now
Either way…it’s a great shot showing Studebaker, Fisher Body, and Windsor Engine all in one view.
Once again.. sorry to get off topic.. just want to get the word out!!
A Community Safety Meeting will be held at the Willistead Coach House on Tuesday, July 5th, 2011, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm regarding the recent spree of break and enters that were committed in your neighbourhood. This meeting is open to the public and will be announced to the various local medias to inform residents who may not already be part of your e-mail and social media network. The agenda, which is currently being worked on, will cover topics such as
1. Introduction
2. Debriefing of events surrounding the recent crimes and arrest
3. Addressing neighborhood concerns and questions
4. Moving forward
5. Neighbourhood Watch
6. Next steps
The meeting will be hosted by a panel which will include, Councilor Halberstadt, Windsor Police, and Mike Lucier of the Windsor-Essex Safety Village.
Please share this invitation to neighbours and friends in the Walkerville neighbourhood.
You can see the billboards at walker and wyandotte st,just before the old C&O viaduct it would be where that line of box cars is leading into the siing