
841 Ouellette Aveune

Today we cast our eyes towards this tired, and badly renovated oldie on Ouellette Avenue. Left alone in a sea of nothingness, since the demolition of the old Mother’s Building & Joker’s Building to the north, what was once kind of hidden as you headed south on Ouellette is now very visible.

The house was built around 1890, and was originally home to J.D. Arthur Deziel and his family. Deziel was the clerk of the 7th Division Court. Also residing in the house in 1919 were:

Julia C. Deziel, no job listed
Leah Deziel, also a clerk of the 7th Division Court
Leo Deziel, no job listed

I’m certain that they must be some relation to whomever lent their name to Deziel Drive:

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The photo above was taken August 13, 1973 by a Detroit News staff photographer. I’m guessing the photo was taken to run with a restaurant review for the Himalaya Dining Room, at 841 Ouellettte.

Looking at the notes on the back, it looks like it ran both in August 16, 1973 and December 16, 1977. Back in 1973, the house was in great shape. It retained the original windows, and slate roof, and the front has not yet been altered by the strange “porch” type addition on the front. Interesting to note the “Himalaya Dining Room” sign…

… is still standing 36 years later… While I don’t know anyone who’s eaten there, according to “The Google“, the place is still open? Anyone know? Anyone eaten there? If it is still open it would have to be one of Windsor’s oldest Indian restaurants I would think…

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