Today’s reader submission comes from Kari who found this photo amongst photos that came from her Grandfather’s house.
On the back of this photo it simply reads:
Now, most of my knowledge of our history is confined to the city. Is anyone out there familiar with county history? Anyone know anything about the building? I think that the S.S. stands for “School Section”.
I’m assuming it’s a school, but I suppose you never know…
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
this looks alot like an old school house that was on a freind of the family’s property in the middle of the bush out in willow beach, just south of amhurstburg. it seems like it might be a bit bigger though. i can’t recall going up a slope to get to it. one classroom and a couple smaller rooms off to the left.
what was creepy about it was that it had all these drawings of angels with trumpets and whatnot on the chalk boards. i have no idea if it’s still there, and i can never find it on google maps. last i heard they were using it for band practice, not that i think this is it.
Is it RCSS or RSCC? If it is the former I would hazard a guess that it is a Roman Catholic School.
Sorry – RCSS. Post title updated.
I believe that perhaps the “SS” would stand for ‘separate school’.
Google the phrase and it is used commonly in text to indicate Roman Catholic School System.
I hope this link works; has some written history on early Catholic schools in Essex county and elsewhere.–cFMT9nAfL3eBs&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CBgQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=&f=false
Hey Andrew, great site! Do you have any pictures of the old Loblaws store on Ouelette & Tuscorora? I’m kinda fascinated with the idea of grocery stores downtown.I also remember the old A&P which became Mothers at Ouelette & Eliott, which had sawdust on the floors, if my childhood memories aren’t failing me :^}
Robert, I’m not sure I do, but I’ll keep my eyes open for one.
I attended grade school in sandwich south township (S.S. no.1) in 1969-1972, when A.V.Graham was built in tecumseh all of us were transfered there in sept of 72 thus closing s.s. no 1,Fairplay,Frith and one more i can’t remember. The buildings are still standing s.s no 1 is on the 7th concession of sandwich south behind rookies-metro on 42(old no.2 highway) Frith is on County rd 8 it’s a bike&atv dealership now.Fairplay is at the corner of baseline rd and 11th concession. these were all 2 grade schools 1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8(still can’t recall the fourth)Each had 2 teachers and the art,music teacher traveled between all four.Gym class was outside weather permitting, we were all bused in except the kids from ray rd joy rd and baseline rd.When highschool came most of us went to essex and the rest went to sandwich in’s not anderdon but the same principals apply.the 4 sandwich schools were built in the 50’s. Thanks for the pic it brought back a memories. Ken.
there’s a beautiful old school in colchester that someone was lucky enough to turn into a home. i’ll snap a pic of it next time i’m out there and send’er to ya Andrew.
….if you’re interested of course
Aaron, please do.
I know that school in Colchester as well but hate the fucker that lives there.
Thanks for posting this Andrew… and thanks to John for the link to that book. It’s very interesting!
John, I ‘Googled’ a bit further and found several examples for the acronym RCSS. This reference is fairly clear:
“A giant stride towards preservation of language came in 1908, when the French settlers in Baxter established their own institution, Roman Catholic Separate School No. 3, Baxter….” and can be found at:
Then again this may not be an accurate representation either.
Not that it matters… but I guess the location of RCSS No.4 Anderdon is still unknown.
This is a photo of the “Cheese Factory School”, RCSS #11, which opened in 1906 in a former cheese factory building. It was located on the Anderdon-Malden Townline (now Alma St.) between the 5th and 6th concessions of Anderdon. RCSS refers to Roman Catholic School Section.
This is for Robert, Nov. 17,2009.If you remember sawdust on the floor at the A&P downtown, you must have been in the meat cutting room not the sales floor of the store. I worked at that store from June 1966, until Jan . 1969. From 1956 till 2002 I worked in many A&P stores, the only sawdust was in the cutting room.
At one point in the fifties there where three Loblaw stores, one A&P, and one Dominion store on Ouelette Av. LOblaws between Park and Wyandote also at the corener of Shepard on the west side of the street,and the one you mention on the east side.