Old Newspaper StoriesPhoto Du JourWindsor

Sandwich West Telephone Exchange

As an example of the area’s long history of NIMBY-ism, I present the case of the Sandwich West Telephone Exchange building….

From the Windsor Star – Saturday August 18, 1956 –

PHONE FIGURES – The proposed Bell Telephone exchange building for Sandwich West Township will be capable of providing 20,000 homes with telephones. Presently the company’s move to erect the building is being blocked by district residents who claim the building is “commercial and out of harmony” with the surroundings. However the architect’s drawing of the building shows a brick and stone construction with attractive aluminum trim. The building will be built on Radisson Ave. if and when the company can obtain a building permit.

Bell To Try Plea Again

Officials of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada will meet Monday with Sandwich West Council to seek right to build a new exchange on Radisson Ave.

To date residents in the area have voiced complaints that such a building would be “commercial” and “out of harmony” in the residential area.

On the basis of these complaints Sandwich West officials have refused to issue a building permit.

However, Bell officials have pointed out the building will be an attractive one with brick and stone facing. It will be trimmed with aluminum. The two-story building will also provide for off-street parking.

If the “five-bar” exchange is built it will be capable of providing 20,000 telephones. It will allow for vast residential expansion in Sandwich West and relieve the load now being carried by Windsor.

Looks like Bell won in the long run… 🙂


P.S. – Happy 4th of July weekend to all my American Readers! Have a good long weekend!

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