On Walker Rd., just south of the no longer existent Cataraqui Place, stood the Kerr Engine Works plant. The plant had two divisions, Kerr Engine Works and Standard Foundry & Supply Co.
A view of the 1937 Fire Plan
An artists view of the plant c. 1910.
As time went on Kerr closed its doors, yet the foundry continued. The foundry was sold, and the search for a more suitable home took place in the early 1960’s.
The site (as seen in this 1963 photograph) for the new foundry was chosen at 3827 Peter St., and in 1965 the plant opened in it’s new home with a new name: Standard Induction Castings. The plant closed for good, in the summer of 2007. Thanks to Ken for the scans of the photos included in today’s post.
The aerial survey photo from 1963 did yield a few interesting items…
This school at Chappell and Peter? Westenders, anyone remember this one? Today it is just a vacant lot.
The old Chappell House/Lido/Lido Venice/Rum Runners/President’s Club. A nice view of the old roadhouse before she was altered and met her sad end.