Old Newspaper StoriesOld Photographs

Downtown Laura Secord Closes - 1976

From the Windsor Star – February 27, 1976. The downtown Laura Secord shop was closing down and moving out as the Prince Edward hotel at Park & Ouellette was getting ready for demolition. STORE CLOSES — With demolition crews marshalling to bring down the Prince Edward Hotel on Ouellette Avenue the staff of the Laura Secord store is evacuating the tiny shop. From left: Mrs.Anne…
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Old Photographs

Lauzon & Wyandotte - 1958

Image from SWODA A view today from the old Town of Riverside, taken May 1, 1958. This shot is looking east along Wyandotte Street East, towards the intersection of Lauzon Road. Looks much less busy than that intersection does today. There’s still a gas station on…
Old Photographs

The Auditorium Building - 709 Ouellette

Image from SWODA This building located at 709 Ouellette was known as the Auditorium Building. When first built around 1927, the Knights of Columbus had a clubhouse to the rear and built this as an annex and auditorium. Eventually the clubhouse was torn down and a larger…