
1212 Ypres - Dr Eric Windeler House

Located at the north east corner of Parkwood & Ypres is this large brick home was the long time home of Dr. Eric C H Windeler. The house was built in 1929, and designed by architects O’Dell, Trace & Diehl. The same group of architects designed the Royal Windsor Apartments downtown, as well as the long demolished Windsor City Market. Dr. E C H Windeler was born in 1890, graduated…
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Giles Boulevard Christian Church

I recently came across this plan from 1929 for the Giles Boulevard Christian Church. It was planned for the north east corner of Giles & Goyeau, where a much smaller Christian Church can be found. I would only imagine that the depression put an end to this plan. It was…
Buildings of WindsorLost WindsorRenderings

Easton Edwards Garage

Designed by Cameron & Ralston, this building housed a Chevrolet car dealership and was located on Goyeau between Tuscarora and Elliott. It was designed with Moorish and Byzantine elements and was described as “Modernistic in its architecture[Border Cities Star, October…