Hertel's Coffee Shop - Highway 98 - Comber
December 8, 2014
Ok, here’s one for the Essex County experts out there… Any guesses about this one? Old Highway 98, was renamed County Rd 46 in 1970. There’s a vacant lot at the north east corner of County Road 46 and Highway 77. It looks like it was once a gas station…
The Royal Windsor Garage - 334 Dougall - 1937
November 7, 2014
Another one for the lost Windsor category. The long demolish Royal Windsor Garage. The Royal Windsor Garage was located on Dougall between University and Park, and sat to the rear of the Royal Windsor Apartments. The Rose Garden Villa Long Term Care Home currently occupies the site today. I’m not sure when it was demolished. It’s visible in the aerial photo I have access to from 1961…
Hotel Lake View - Amherstburg - 1937
November 3, 2014
Back out to Essex County today, does anyone have anything they can add about this place? It’s not Windsor, so there’s always the chance it’s still standing. If not, where was it ? Also how is it already November?
I hope everyone had a great…
The House of Hospitality - 1938
October 29, 2014
An old ad for the long gone Norton Palmer Hotel at Park & Pelissier. Hard to imagine such a grand old hotel once stood downtown. It’s a shame it never survived. Old hotels just have a certain charm that will never be recreated in more modern ones. The big old…