Detroit Times Building - 1929
April 29, 2013
This past weekend I was at the Michigan Modernism Exposition, and the Detroit Area Art Deco Society was there and has a table set up. They were giving away some information, and also were giving away copies of this photo. It shows the Albert Kahn designed Detroit Times…
527-533 Chatham Street East
March 22, 2013
Last night driving towards downtown, I noticed that the decrepit old duplex at 527-533 Chatham Street East was kaput. Vanished into the landfill… 515-523 next door may be the next one to go… I’ve never understood how this area between downtown and…
Old Essex Fire Hall - Follow Up
March 6, 2013
An update to Monday’s post, Erik S. sent along a few photos from the demolition for us. Also an update the confirmed date of construction was 1923, so until it recently closed it was the oldest area fire hall.
As always if you have any photos you want to share, please…
Old Essex Fire Hall - Victoria Avenue - Essex
March 4, 2013
I got an email from a reader Erik S. who let me know that now that the new fire hall in Essex is open, that the old one, shown above was going to meet the wrecking ball, probably later today.
I must admit, my Essex County knowledge is very limited.
Erik said he thought the…
Norton Palmer Demolition - 1975
January 9, 2013
Today’s photo comes to us from regular reader Rick N., who shot this picture from his office at work back in the day.
The caption reads:
“Smashing of the Norton Palmer from the 8th floor of the Security Building – Oct 21 / 75”
A neat shot, one that you don’t see very often. Such a shame that Windsor lost all its historic hotels. Thanks again to Rick for passing…
Demolition Notice
November 30, 2012
A pair of demolitions underway this week…
First off and already gone, the former Horseshoe Battery on Ouellette Ave. on the south end of the Jackson Park overpass.
This one started the other day, and it’s already long gone. Not any kind of historic building…