DemolitionDetroitOld Photographs

Detroit Times Building - 1929

This past weekend I was at the Michigan Modernism Exposition, and the Detroit Area Art Deco Society was there and has a table set up. They were giving away some information, and also were giving away copies of this photo. It shows the Albert Kahn designed Detroit Times…
Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Windsor

527-533 Chatham Street East

Last night driving towards downtown, I noticed that the decrepit old duplex at 527-533 Chatham Street East was kaput. Vanished into the landfill… 515-523 next door may be the next one to go… I’ve never understood how this area between downtown and…
Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Windsor

Demolition Notice

A pair of demolitions underway this week… First off and already gone, the former Horseshoe Battery on Ouellette Ave. on the south end of the Jackson Park overpass. This one started the other day, and it’s already long gone. Not any kind of historic building…