This old ad from 1952, shows the Walker Machine Shop at 3988 Riberdy Rd.
Years later the building is still there, and still in use as a small shop, it is home to R & D Precision Gauge.
This old ad from 1952, shows the Walker Machine Shop at 3988 Riberdy Rd.
Years later the building is still there, and still in use as a small shop, it is home to R & D Precision Gauge.
Recent Comments:
Man – we really do not know how to “pretty up” a building, do we? Hate to add to the “Windsor is ugly” diatribe, but that renovation should have been left in the building supply yard!
Nice, simple, sign.
C’mon, Chris, don’t you think those anonymous bushes were a nice touch to go along with the nuclear missle silo grey siding?
Hey, at least it’s not stucco!
Was the original building brick, cinderblock or stucco? I can’t tell from the black and white.
David – Cinder Block.
I really like the brick addition to the facade. Its classic look matches the original size and shape of the building, while adding some more functional space. Other than that, the buildings look remarkably similar, both in form and function.
I wonder if the persons leaving terrible comments were even born when my Dad opened this business, their comments sound so juvenile. Maybe they should research what work was done in this shop instead of nasty comments on the exterior!
so tell me peggy was your brother named john?
Hello aunt peggy! this is definitely a voice from your past. I was just remiiniscing and thougt I would look at Grandma and Grandpas place and was so surprised to see your name. I obviously am John and Bea’s oldest daughter. Would love to catch up if you would like. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love Jeanne
Jeanne & Star, glad to hear something from both of you. I remember the machine shop well, even though I was so young at the time. Mom even passed down a few keepsakes from the upstairs dwelling that I treasure. I’ll never forget the climb up those stairs. It was kind of scary for us small ones. I pass by the shop regularly and personally believe the building has been maintained beautifully all these years and is still used for an active business. I’ll let Ma know you both responded to this article.
Ron L.