
Blog Awards and Photo Shows…


It’s time once again for the 2008 Canadian Blog Awards.

As you know, International Metropolis was the runner up last year for the “Best Local Blog”.

This year International Metropolis has been nominated in two different categories:

Best Local Blog (once again)


Best Blog

If you would dear readers, please click over on both links and cast a vote for

The rules are as follows:

Two rounds of voting will take place with each round lasting 7 days. The first round of voting will include all nominees. The second round of voting will narrow the list of nominees in each category down to the top 5 from the first round of voting.

Each person gets one vote for their favourite blog, in each category. Unlike pre-2007, you do not get one vote per day, you just get one per round.

Round 1 opened Sunday, and voting goes until to November 29th. (Polls close during the middle of November 29th, to give CBA staff time to set up polls for the Final Round of voting.)

Remember you only get one vote in the week, per category.

So please cast your vote for International Metropolis.


Also regular reader, Luc has sent along a reminder about a local photo show. Please support your local artists, and check out this show:

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