DemolitionLost WindsorWindsor

2011 - The Year In Review

Well we’ve made it through another year… Seems like a large number of demolitions this year… Parkway demolition continued in full force, so there are probably some demolitions I missed, if so as always, add ’em in the comments. Here’s what I came up with, in no particular order at all…. This old manor at the corner of Aylmer and Riverside. Fred’s Farm…
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Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

6425 Riverside Drive East

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas, today we head out to Riverside to pay a visit to the Senator McMillan house at 6425 Riverside Drive East. From the 1908 edition of “The Detroiters“: McGRAW, William T.; born, Lavonia Township, Wayne Co.; Mich., May 12, 1860…
Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Cleary Auditorium - 1962

Today’s photo is dated May 19, 1962. Designed by Johnson – McWhinnie, The Cleary Auditorium that was built, was a much scaled down version of what was planned. Great mid century design, unfortunately muddled behind an early 1990’s…
Old Newspaper StoriesWindsor

Memorial Park Gates

I tried looking for a picture of the gates on Ypres and Hall that mark the entrance to Memorial Park. The only one I could locate, was the photo above from 2001. Since that time the gates have been restored and some plaques added to it. It now looks like this: View Larger…
going, going, gone...Windsor

Ye Olde Grand Tavern - 1014 Howard Avenue

A few weeks back a news story ran about the closing of the Grand Tavern on Howard Avenue, just south of Erie. The building was recently sold, and demolition is planned to provide off street parking for Erie Street patrons. While there’s not too much to add from the historical/architectural side that I could dig up, I thought I would at least add it to the site before it is demolished. Any…
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Old PhotographsWindsor

Ford Powerhouse - 1935

Happy Friday once again. Today photo is dated August 7, 1935, and the caption on the back reads: “The power house, inside which a $2,000,000 modernization program is now getting under way. The foundry appears in the right background Designed by Albert Kahn and built…