Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Chrysler Canada Plant no. 1

Today’s entry is for Paul, who recently asked for more information about the old Plant no. 1. Plant 1 stood at the n.e. corner of Tecumseh & McDougall. The site now occupied by a shopping plaza. Plant 1 was originally the plant of the Maxwell-Chalmers Motor Car Co. and was built c. 1920. Maxwell – Chalmers became the Chrysler Corporation in 1925. The plant on Tecumseh Rd was…
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Great Lakes BoatsOld PhotographsPhoto Du JourPostcards

Displaced History

So with rumors abound that the former Tecumseh DUR station might still be standing, I headed to the suburbs with John and Mike to see what we might be able to uncover. This Victorian house on Lesperance is visible in the old postcard view posted two weeks ago. Just north…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

1924 Border Cities Bowling Champs

Here’s an oldie from my personal collection. Maybe you’ll spot a relative in here… 🙂 I’m not sure what kind of league this was, if the bowlers were recreational or business related. The one man who’s estate this photo was contain in, passed in the late 1970’s. Charles Kirkwood was an employee of the Toledo Scale Company of Canada (an American by birth) and a…
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DetroitOld PhotographsPhoto Du Jour

Belle Isle Bridge Approach

Here are a pair of photos of the long gone Belle Isle Bridge Approach in Detroit. The original bridge was built in 1889, and destroyed in a fire in 1915. In 1923, the current bridge was built to link the mainland to the island. When it opened there was a nifty underground…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Old Photos

A few more old photos sent to me by John Stefani, from the collection of Bernie Drouillard. The S.W. & A. terminal on University Ave. Both buildings are still standing, the one on the right has just had a recent facelift, and was known as “The Junction” in…