Old Photographs

The Auditorium Building - 709 Ouellette

Image from SWODA This building located at 709 Ouellette was known as the Auditorium Building. When first built around 1927, the Knights of Columbus had a clubhouse to the rear and built this as an annex and auditorium. Eventually the clubhouse was torn down and a larger Knights of Columbus Hall was built on the Pelissier site , connected to this building. Image from SWODA Originally…
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Lost WindsorOld Photographs

435 Mill Street - 1957

Image from SWODA This picture shows the south west corner of Mill & Baby streets in Sandwich in May 1957. This little building was owned by the Sandwich, Windsor & Amherstburg Railway (SW&A), the forerunner of today’s Transit Windsor. It started out as a…
Lost WindsorOld Photographs

Park & Pelissier - 1961

Image from SWODA From the great collection over at the Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive comes this image taken in February 1961. Looking north west to the corner of Park Street West and Pelissier. Visible on the left is the long gone Norton Palmer Hotel, and an Esso…
Buildings of WindsorOld Photographs

1478 Wyandotte St E - A Minto & Co

A view of the building from Google Streetview This building on the north west corner of Wyandotte and Gladstone was built in 1921, and designed by Windsor architect Gilbert Jacques. It was built for the A. Minto & Co as their new store. The Minto store opened in this location on August 27, 1921, moving from their previous location on Sandwich Street. They advertised themselves as…
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Old Photographs

225 Giles Boulevard West - 1924

Located on the south west corner of Giles & Victoria Avenue, is the former home of William Thomas Wesgate. Mr Wesgate built the large home in 1919 that is still standing today. He made his fortune as an ice cream manufacturer before selling his business to Borden…
Old Photographs

Windsor Utilities Office - 1964

The other day I was downtown and I noticed a flurry of work at the old Windsor Utilities Office at the north west corner of Ouellette & Elliott. The building was sold and is under renovation by the new owners Tessonics Inc. One of the projects underway is the removal…
Old Photographs

1277 Ottawa Street - Then & Now

Photo from SWODA First off I would be remiss to not thank SWODA for their images that were used in the my recent book. They are an invaluable resource for local historians. During a recent media interview I blanked on thanking them, but they are an amazing source. If you’re a local history fan, be sure to check out the site. So much fascinating history there. Today’s shot is…
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Old Photographs

Windsor Waterfront - 2001

Was going through some older photographs this week, when I came across this one from August 2001. It shows a time when the waterfront pumping station was still in ruins and not attached to the shore. As you can see on the right side of the photo the path system was at this…
Lost WindsorOld Photographs

Edgewater Tavern - 1938

Situated on Riverside Drive, just east of the junction of Little River and beautiful Lake St. Clair, is Edgewater Thomas Inn, famous along the Border as a rendezvous for many a brilliant gathering.An extensive remodeling program, completed this year, has completely…