Notable Windsorites

Edgar Nelson Bartlet 1862-1927

E. N. Bartlet – 1927 With last week’s article about the Bartlet building, some questions came up about who was the building named after? I did some research over the last week and came up with the obituary for Edgar Nelson Bartlet, the man who built the building that still bears his name on University Avenue West to this day. MR. EDGAR NELSON BARTLET, member of one of the oldest…
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Buildings of WindsorNotable Windsorites

480-484 Brodhead St - Alton C Parker House

This house on Brodhead Street in the core of the city has an unassuming history. Built around 1920 this house is located on the north side of the street. Brodhead is a small street, one block long, running east/west from Mercer to Howard, just north of Erie. In the right side of the house above at 484, lived Alton C. Parker. Alton C. Parker, born in 1907, was working as a mechanic here in…
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Notable WindsoritesWindsor

Charles R Tuson - Mayor - 1917

Mr. Tuson’s excellent business ability stands him in good stead in his present civic capacity, as mayor of Windsor. Previous to his being elected mayor, Mr. Tuson served in the council as alderman. His first business venture, on arriving in this city, was the floral…