Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Lost WindsorWindsor

Recent Demolitions

Given the pace of work going on around town… It’s hard to keep up! Here’s some things that have all come down in the last couple of weeks. Since I missed getting to them with a camera before they were wiped away, all the images come from Google Streetview. Walker/E.C. Row Expressway The other day I was coming home from work, and took Walker for a change. When I got to the bottom…
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going, going, gone...Windsor

St. Anthony Of Padua

Today we scoot down to the corner of Parent and Shepherd, to St. Anthony of Pauda Hungarian Catholic Church. The cornerstone of the church dates to 1931, and features, Latin, English and Hungarian. Sadly this piece of Windsor’s ethnic past, isn’t long for this…
going, going, gone...Windsor

837 Felix - Return To The Crooked House

We last visited this house back in 2007, but along with many of its neighbours, it is now one of many vacant boarded up houses along Felix. Back in 2003 things were much nicer in the area, what a difference a few years makes… Even if these house don’t get…
going, going, gone...Windsor

Next To Go? - 1181 Ouellette & 1170 Pelissier

Despite the “For Lease” sign, draped across the front porch, this property on the City’s Heritage Register, has been sold, and her future doesn’t look so good… Both structures on the property, this one at 1181 Ouellette… … and this one at 1170 Pelissier on the back half of the parcel are vacant, and the new owners have applied for a demolition permit for…
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going, going, gone...PostcardsWindsor

Humpty Dumpty Trailer Court

Today’s photo’s come from regular reader Luc, who showed me there are still a few places around town that I don’t know about. One of which is this trailer park in the midst of Big Box Sprawl… Here’s a map of the area, with the park located…