Regular reader Don G. sent along this amazing photo for me to share with the readers. He’s also given me a link where he’s hosting a large scale version of the image, and you can zoom in on the details for yourself. Don’s link he provided can be found by clicking here. Be warned that the file is large, and right clicking and “Saving As…” might be your best bet.

The photo is undated, and I initially thought maybe it was to do with the opening of the new police headquarters, but that building on City Hall Square was built in 1921, and it doesn’t quite seem that old to me. This grouping of men, must be the city council of the day. I was estimating the date to be 1927 as the man on the right in Cecil Jackson. Namesake of Jackson Park and the mayor from 1927-1930. He’s seated to the left of the Chief of Police. I am assuming that they would have had the mayor and chief side by side.

In the middle of the photo and to the right of Cecil Jackson, are these two, who I assume must be the chief? The chief around this time was a man named Daniel Thompson. A photo of Thompson can be seen here.

To the right of the chief is another group of men in suits. I am unsure who any of these men are.

There are some great details in these old shots however, a nice view of the entrance of the former headquarters building.

At the opposite end of the photograph, St. Alphonsus church can be seen, along with the long demolished church hall to the rear.
Many thanks to Don for scanning the photo and sending along a copy for me to share with you all.
This photo was found in a attic during renovations .the previous owner of the residence name was Quenneville.