
Louis & Niagara – Sidewalk Slabs

At various places around the city are some 100+ year old slabs of concrete that have survived all these years. Many of them date from the 1905-1910 era, and are simple slabs with the street names impressed near the intersection.

The one above is found at Louis and Niagara on the north west corner, I didn’t know about this one a recently stumbled across it. Many of these slabs have be lost to new sidewalk projects over the last 20 years before an effort was made to preserve them. There were a great many once located in Walkerville.

Are there any near you?

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As a side note the intersection of Louis and Niagara has always been strange to me. One of the only ones I can think of in the city that don’t line up, there’s a slight jog in the intersection.

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