Robert McMaster on Detroit Police Country Club – Wheatley – 1926: “George Crewe’s information is not accurate. I have seen the architect’s plans for this facility. A central feature is a…” Feb 8, 14:08
Sage on Chinee Villa: “Was excellent food! Anyone who claims not to have been impressed is just speaking on behalf of an inferior competitor.” Jan 26, 15:35
Mare Moore on St. Dennis Hall: “Hubby, myself and a bunch of union folk attended that Feb ’80 Harry Chapin concert at St. Dennis Hall. WOSH…” Jan 22, 17:31
Paul Leo Fortin on Hi-Ho: “ the number of errors in the history of the fast food driv-n inWindsor in Windsor Ontario are to numerous…” Jan 1, 12:44
Mister Man on Sprawltastic: “Well, the house on Unicorn Avenue is still up for sale, so the market hasn’t really spoken, has it?” Nov 7, 09:49
Wow. In hindsight, Dennis Archer seems like Thomas Jefferson. RIP Kwame’s political career.
RIP for KK’s career? I hope he doesn’t rest at all!
If too wish Eddie could be as dumb but over here our mayor bulids feifdoms so that he will never get caught doing things he shouldn’t be doing. Remember kids, it is an ‘ol boys club and he doesn’t sit on the Windsor Police Board for nothing!
Well, I wouldn’t quite say Francis is as bad as Kilpatrick. I’m sure he’s not all sunshine and honesty, but really now, Kilpatrick is about as messed up as one could imagine a mayor being. I wouldn’t say Francis is quite that bad.
I hope Detroit finds a new mayor with good business credibility as this whole fiasco has damaged the city’s image. Businesses aren’t going to move back to the city without that. The wrong new mayor can send that city spiralling backwards 30 years which will echo in Windsor and I think a lot of the candidates slated to run would do that. I wish someone from the Ford, Illitich or Farbman family would run for mayor. The city’s gonna need someone with a lot of business credibility to keep Detroit moving forward in a positive direction.
hell daid, let another bad mayor have at it. if detroit’s lucky, it’ll spiral back 40 – 50 years and be a prosperous, viable city again! lol
“Now if only Eddie was this foolish, we’d be free too..”
What the helll is that suppose to mean? Some of us (the majority of voters) happen to like Eddie Francis.
What are you so bitter about? If there is something you can do better, I suggest you get more involved instead of your limp wristed cheap shots.
I cannot believe you can come Detroit’s situation to our mayor.
Like,,,grow up.
Hey jorge. You might want to check those numbers again. Eddie does NOT have the mandate of the people. In fact if you look at the amount of votes as a percentage from the last election to this first he has dropped of significantly.
I would even bet a large sum of money that the percentage is even further eroded considering his action of late. I will even put a tiny small list here for you.
More in camera meetings as a mayor than any other. IE: secrecy.
Tunnel deal that is also secret using $75 million of taxpayers dollars for NO OWNERSHIP of said tunnel.
Threats of lawsuits to local municipalities and provincial gov’ts.
Arena boondoogle ($20 million over budget and growing)
WUC boondoggle, increased rates 86% and more to come…
Some of the HIGHEST tax rates in Ontario
No small business task force with teeth.
High increases in lawyer budgets but decreased funding for parks and rec (quality of life issue but the mayor wants to add another 300 acres of parkland. But of course that will be just a few shrubs and bushes and not like the glossy ads that were promoted, with lakes and meandering trails and manicured lawns).
Contempt for taxpayers and those who disagree
Micromanaging a city. Death to any city period.
Jumps from one issue to another without finishing the first.
Poor roads and sewers.
No follow through on CIPs.
Contempt for ABC company even though it is a billion dollar corporatio (what message does that send to the business world??)
WEDC that is totally politicized and dysfunctional (with absolutely ZERO accomplished for the area)
Ignores BIA’s at the detriment of businesses.
Poor track record in attaining business to the city.
Disregard for UofW
Has flouted procedural bylaws time and again
Now do you want me to keep going?
I wasn’t a fan of Hurst and he may well have almost put Windsor in the poor house but Eddie has done far more damage to this city and it’s taxpayers (just look at the flight of citizens to the suburbs and out of the region completely) than any other mayor before.
The guy can’t even do a steetscape properly because it has to be his way. He thinks he knows EVERYTHING and the boy mayor should know better.
As a person who does quite a lot of volunteering as does Andrew I would check those words because I believe we know the pulse of the people (not cronies) more so than you may.
By the way, the list above is why most people are so bitter.
Southwood Lakes B.I.A.
What’s with all this Eddie bashing??? Me and my neighbours all think he’s wonderful and has accomplished quite a bit. Gotta go now, must gas up the Suburban, I hear it’s down to 128.9 at the Esso station on Walker!
i don’t know how to take this last comment lol
ME – well done.
and jorge, like,,,,,,,,,,use a semi colin or something. i’d get alot more involved if the city didn’t threaten it’s citizens with financial ruin for asking for information. i know requesting info under the freedom of information act cost some bucks on the requesties part, but gimmie a break.
i swear they only hold pubic forums AFTER a decision has already been made just to “make us happy” it’s hard to move forward when every suggestion falls on def ears.
Wow. In hindsight, Dennis Archer seems like Thomas Jefferson. RIP Kwame’s political career.
RIP for KK’s career? I hope he doesn’t rest at all!
If too wish Eddie could be as dumb but over here our mayor bulids feifdoms so that he will never get caught doing things he shouldn’t be doing. Remember kids, it is an ‘ol boys club and he doesn’t sit on the Windsor Police Board for nothing!
Well, I wouldn’t quite say Francis is as bad as Kilpatrick. I’m sure he’s not all sunshine and honesty, but really now, Kilpatrick is about as messed up as one could imagine a mayor being. I wouldn’t say Francis is quite that bad.
I hope Detroit finds a new mayor with good business credibility as this whole fiasco has damaged the city’s image. Businesses aren’t going to move back to the city without that. The wrong new mayor can send that city spiralling backwards 30 years which will echo in Windsor and I think a lot of the candidates slated to run would do that. I wish someone from the Ford, Illitich or Farbman family would run for mayor. The city’s gonna need someone with a lot of business credibility to keep Detroit moving forward in a positive direction.
hell daid, let another bad mayor have at it. if detroit’s lucky, it’ll spiral back 40 – 50 years and be a prosperous, viable city again! lol
“Now if only Eddie was this foolish, we’d be free too..”
What the helll is that suppose to mean? Some of us (the majority of voters) happen to like Eddie Francis.
What are you so bitter about? If there is something you can do better, I suggest you get more involved instead of your limp wristed cheap shots.
I cannot believe you can come Detroit’s situation to our mayor.
Like,,,grow up.
Hey jorge. You might want to check those numbers again. Eddie does NOT have the mandate of the people. In fact if you look at the amount of votes as a percentage from the last election to this first he has dropped of significantly.
I would even bet a large sum of money that the percentage is even further eroded considering his action of late. I will even put a tiny small list here for you.
More in camera meetings as a mayor than any other. IE: secrecy.
Tunnel deal that is also secret using $75 million of taxpayers dollars for NO OWNERSHIP of said tunnel.
Threats of lawsuits to local municipalities and provincial gov’ts.
Arena boondoogle ($20 million over budget and growing)
WUC boondoggle, increased rates 86% and more to come…
Some of the HIGHEST tax rates in Ontario
No small business task force with teeth.
High increases in lawyer budgets but decreased funding for parks and rec (quality of life issue but the mayor wants to add another 300 acres of parkland. But of course that will be just a few shrubs and bushes and not like the glossy ads that were promoted, with lakes and meandering trails and manicured lawns).
Contempt for taxpayers and those who disagree
Micromanaging a city. Death to any city period.
Jumps from one issue to another without finishing the first.
Poor roads and sewers.
No follow through on CIPs.
Contempt for ABC company even though it is a billion dollar corporatio (what message does that send to the business world??)
WEDC that is totally politicized and dysfunctional (with absolutely ZERO accomplished for the area)
Ignores BIA’s at the detriment of businesses.
Poor track record in attaining business to the city.
Disregard for UofW
Has flouted procedural bylaws time and again
Now do you want me to keep going?
I wasn’t a fan of Hurst and he may well have almost put Windsor in the poor house but Eddie has done far more damage to this city and it’s taxpayers (just look at the flight of citizens to the suburbs and out of the region completely) than any other mayor before.
The guy can’t even do a steetscape properly because it has to be his way. He thinks he knows EVERYTHING and the boy mayor should know better.
As a person who does quite a lot of volunteering as does Andrew I would check those words because I believe we know the pulse of the people (not cronies) more so than you may.
By the way, the list above is why most people are so bitter.
What’s with all this Eddie bashing??? Me and my neighbours all think he’s wonderful and has accomplished quite a bit. Gotta go now, must gas up the Suburban, I hear it’s down to 128.9 at the Esso station on Walker!
i don’t know how to take this last comment lol
ME – well done.
and jorge, like,,,,,,,,,,use a semi colin or something. i’d get alot more involved if the city didn’t threaten it’s citizens with financial ruin for asking for information. i know requesting info under the freedom of information act cost some bucks on the requesties part, but gimmie a break.
i swear they only hold pubic forums AFTER a decision has already been made just to “make us happy” it’s hard to move forward when every suggestion falls on def ears.