Kevin Bishop on John Ross School – 2715 Bernard: “Christine: Your message is totally flooring me. Thought I’d check my old grade school – John Ross – and found…” Sep 6, 18:04
Christine Hermann on John Ross School – 2715 Bernard: “wow, it was so good to see my old public school. And Miss Sternbauer, your comments were so great. You…” Sep 5, 11:39
CatholicTrad on Windsor’s Biggest Architectural Loss: “What a crime that this was demolished. The city has gone downhill ever since. You take out Catholic religious, and…” Aug 2, 21:30
Paul B. Priest on 435 Mill Street – 1957: “I remember this building. The bus would stop and the driver would get off, taking the coin dispenser with him.…” Jul 22, 12:54
I’ll say this for Mike. He has a good heart and lovves this community. His own personal roots would have guided him to bring us better alternatives than an 86% Water Rate increase and you can be sure that the arena would have been landed downtown.
I’ll also say this… regardless of if you liked his decisions or not, at least he acted. Studies and consultantas have increased 1000% since the changing of the guard…
Agreed Andrew. Mmike may have been a bully like Eddie is now but at least he did things. Heck, he even made mistakes! Can you imagine this mayor ever admitting to a mistake? Nope! He would rather consult things to death or get lawyers involved so that events hang in limbo for eternity.
I don’t know about you but I would rather a mayor that makes decisions and a few mistakes along the road than one to raises taxes, spends money on absolutely nothing (unless you do in spite like the arena) and still makes no decisions.
It’s good to look back and revise your thoughts about people and era’s, and there is likely a lot Hurst did that was good.
Still, the Chrysler building and the destruction of the finest block in Windsor is an enduring (and unforgivable) memorial to his and his council’s tenure.
The staggering loss of the historic Norwich Block and it’s potential as a centerpiece for Downtown renewal. In it’s place – a dead zone on all four sides – forever.
Soon enough we will be judging Mayor Halberstadt or Mayor Marra.
Re: the Norwich Block…
We weren’t upset that the Norwich block had to come down. The hard truth is that it wasn’t worth saving. Too far gone. At the time we were all up in arms about the Canderel People and their lies. If you recall, their spokes person referred to Windsorites as a bunch of Ludites. (I think he really meant it) He was looking to charm us. Also…other proposals which were home grown and much more realistic in both budget and form were nixed because we bought into the ponzi. The Mady Group had, what was in my mind, the most realistic and actually best looking apprach to the entire block. It would have been only a few stories high and the facade did have some charm (I’d love to post the original rendering if it is available). In the end, Council of the day opted to go for “the deal that couldn’t be refused” . So did Hamilton and Guelph. The rest is a hard lesson learned. Putting this on Mike Hurst is wrong. He only wanted something good for Windsor. Look to the number crunchers for the financing fiasco. We need a sales brain in this city.
M.O.M.> Respectfully, you are entirely wrong about the Norwich Block not being worth saving and that it was “too far gone.” That’s an extreme 1950s and antiquated “urban renewal” view. The cultural and historic value of that block to Windsor is (was) massive.
Hurst should have shown leadership and protected it. Downtown windsor is full of either holes or parking lots. Any of them would have made fine homes for a new building.
Not sure what Hurst really did that will stand the test of time- bear in mind he ruled during one of our most prosperous eras-he ran the deficit up- “Canderell” say no more what a friggin’ disaster- lest we forget- MFP Scandal – the only hit Hurst had was the sculpture garden..
You’ll never hear any arguments from me that the Candrel Mini-tower was a good idea. But hey, at least it happened. If he was Eddie we would still be doing studies on it, with a different idea every week of what to put there…
As for Hurst’s only hit being the Sculpture Garden…. well my my count that makes it:
Hurst 1
Eddie 0
It’s kind of funny, but I couldn’t wait to be rid of Hurst by the end of his last term. I guess Eddie is proof that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side…
You’ve got to be kidding me when you say Mike Hurst doesn’t seem so bad now. Mike Hurst was an absolute joke of a mayor who left the taxpayers’ a mountain of debt that will take years to pay off. During King Mike’s reign millions of dollars were frittered away on dubious projects like the Canderel Tower, the Western Super Anchor and a new Taj Mahal for the welfare department while the city’s basic infrastructure reverted to third world conditions. Of course, the unions loved Mike because they knew he had no backbone and wouldn’t dare challenge them openly when they demanded more money or benefits.
Well, at least I know what he looks like now. His picture will fit nicely on my dart board.
I stumbled upon this site Friday and two days later I am still going through all the pictures and reading the comments.
Thanks so much for all bringing some long-forgotten memories to life
I’ll say this for Mike. He has a good heart and lovves this community. His own personal roots would have guided him to bring us better alternatives than an 86% Water Rate increase and you can be sure that the arena would have been landed downtown.
I’ll also say this… regardless of if you liked his decisions or not, at least he acted. Studies and consultantas have increased 1000% since the changing of the guard…
Agreed Andrew. Mmike may have been a bully like Eddie is now but at least he did things. Heck, he even made mistakes! Can you imagine this mayor ever admitting to a mistake? Nope! He would rather consult things to death or get lawyers involved so that events hang in limbo for eternity.
I don’t know about you but I would rather a mayor that makes decisions and a few mistakes along the road than one to raises taxes, spends money on absolutely nothing (unless you do in spite like the arena) and still makes no decisions.
The next election can’t come soon enough.
It’s good to look back and revise your thoughts about people and era’s, and there is likely a lot Hurst did that was good.
Still, the Chrysler building and the destruction of the finest block in Windsor is an enduring (and unforgivable) memorial to his and his council’s tenure.
The staggering loss of the historic Norwich Block and it’s potential as a centerpiece for Downtown renewal. In it’s place – a dead zone on all four sides – forever.
Soon enough we will be judging Mayor Halberstadt or Mayor Marra.
Re: the Norwich Block…
We weren’t upset that the Norwich block had to come down. The hard truth is that it wasn’t worth saving. Too far gone. At the time we were all up in arms about the Canderel People and their lies. If you recall, their spokes person referred to Windsorites as a bunch of Ludites. (I think he really meant it) He was looking to charm us. Also…other proposals which were home grown and much more realistic in both budget and form were nixed because we bought into the ponzi. The Mady Group had, what was in my mind, the most realistic and actually best looking apprach to the entire block. It would have been only a few stories high and the facade did have some charm (I’d love to post the original rendering if it is available). In the end, Council of the day opted to go for “the deal that couldn’t be refused” . So did Hamilton and Guelph. The rest is a hard lesson learned. Putting this on Mike Hurst is wrong. He only wanted something good for Windsor. Look to the number crunchers for the financing fiasco. We need a sales brain in this city.
M.O.M.> Respectfully, you are entirely wrong about the Norwich Block not being worth saving and that it was “too far gone.” That’s an extreme 1950s and antiquated “urban renewal” view. The cultural and historic value of that block to Windsor is (was) massive.
Hurst should have shown leadership and protected it. Downtown windsor is full of either holes or parking lots. Any of them would have made fine homes for a new building.
Not sure what Hurst really did that will stand the test of time- bear in mind he ruled during one of our most prosperous eras-he ran the deficit up- “Canderell” say no more what a friggin’ disaster- lest we forget- MFP Scandal – the only hit Hurst had was the sculpture garden..
nuff said.
You’ll never hear any arguments from me that the Candrel Mini-tower was a good idea. But hey, at least it happened. If he was Eddie we would still be doing studies on it, with a different idea every week of what to put there…
As for Hurst’s only hit being the Sculpture Garden…. well my my count that makes it:
Hurst 1
Eddie 0
It’s kind of funny, but I couldn’t wait to be rid of Hurst by the end of his last term. I guess Eddie is proof that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side…
You’ve got to be kidding me when you say Mike Hurst doesn’t seem so bad now. Mike Hurst was an absolute joke of a mayor who left the taxpayers’ a mountain of debt that will take years to pay off. During King Mike’s reign millions of dollars were frittered away on dubious projects like the Canderel Tower, the Western Super Anchor and a new Taj Mahal for the welfare department while the city’s basic infrastructure reverted to third world conditions. Of course, the unions loved Mike because they knew he had no backbone and wouldn’t dare challenge them openly when they demanded more money or benefits.
Well, at least I know what he looks like now. His picture will fit nicely on my dart board.
I stumbled upon this site Friday and two days later I am still going through all the pictures and reading the comments.
Thanks so much for all bringing some long-forgotten memories to life