DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Great Lakes Greyhound

Another one from down on Fort Street. I have always admired this one from the Bridge crossing over, and I have long been meaning to shoot it.

It’s a big place, 95,000 sq ft of office and 130,000 sq ft of warehouse.

Sadly the Crown Enterprises sign informs us that it is owned by Mr. Moroun, and it will likely remain vacant.

It still sports the Greyhound logo and name, but as best as I can tell, it would appear that the property transfered to the Central Transport Family in January 2003. The building looks to be in good shape from Fort St. (I didn’t check out the Lafayette side) , and has a S.E.V. of $806,223. Property taxes in 2005 were a whoping $61,234.07.

Above is an old Fire map of the building, it notes:

No Watchman – Men on duty day and night

The building was the operation hub of Greyhound in Detroit, holding the general offices, dispatch office, Motor & Electric repair, upholstery repair, a paint shop, and service/lube/oil bays. The garage portion had the capacity to hold 135 busses. I couldn’t come up with a date of construction but, it would appear to be late ’30’s early ’40’s. Industrial Streamlined Moderne at its finest.

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