We’re always looking up, admiring the great architecture that this city has to offer, how often do we look down? This manhole cover in the CBD has been hard at work for 68 years. This is the second oldest one I have ever come across… Anyone know where this one is?
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Manhole covers are a great photo op! In your journeys, keep an eye on fire hydrants, also…they, too, are dated. Some old ones around town.
And….although this would make a lousy photo…turn your lid on your toilet tank over and take a look. Date of manufacture will be stamped on it.
Just going through some older photo du jour’s and I’m inquiring about where this one is since you never said, Andrew!
Colin, this one is in Detroit at the intersection of Grand River/Library/Farmer, right downtown.
In fact it might even be this one:
Or this one… http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=library+st+detroit&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=44.46903,79.101563&ie=UTF8&ll=42.334533,-83.047575&spn=0.003093,0.004828&t=h&z=18&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=42.334571,-83.047683&panoid=VQYG-aBH7PAGKRim7HrZ6w&cbp=12,39.00603830697173,,0,48.09195027316732
Ok thanks Andrew!