DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Dodge Brothers Mausoleum

Located in Woodlawn Cemetery in Detroit, among the notables buried here are John & Horace Dodge. Built in the Egyptian Revival Style, two stone Spyhnxes stand guard over the front door. Both Brothers who were inseparable in life both died in 1920. They comissioned the Lloyd Brothers of Toledo, OH to build their mausoleum in 1913. *With addional information from the late A. Dale…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Dearborn Montgomery Ward's

* First off, sorry for the lousy picture, I shot it a few years ago when Michigan Ave. was all torn up, and there wasn’t a great angle to shoot from… Now it seems as if this long time Dearborn Icon built in 1936, may meet the wrecking ball, in one of the shadyist…
DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Funerary Parducci's

In Detroit’s beautiful Woodlawn Cemetery one can find the stunning Art Deco Wilson Mausoleum. Comissioned by Matilda Dodge Wilson and designed according to the late A. Dale Northrup’s great book on the cemetery, in 1939 by New York City Architect William Henry Deacy. The Wilson Mausoleum is located right next to her late Husband’s & Brother-in-law’s Egyptian Revival…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Cathedral Of The Most Blessed Sacrament

Located at Woodward & Belmont Streets, the Cathedral was begun in 1915 by Cleveland Architect Henry A. Walsh. However the Cathedral didn’t look like it did today when Walsh was finished. *** Photo from the Diehl & Diehl Archives *** The local firm of Diehl…
DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Detroit Cornice and Slate

So, I’m up in Ferndale the other day, and what do I stumble across but the Detroit Cornice and Slate Company. As I’m sure everyone knows, the company’s old home downtown is now occupied by the Metro Times. So here they are still plugging away after…
DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Gormar Apartments

Located at Woodward & Nevada between 6 and 7 mile roads, across from Palmer Park, this beatuy caught my eye the other day. Built in 1923 the Gormar Apartments has seen better days, however I’m sure with its location, it was at one time quite a fashionable address.