Old Newspaper StoriesPostcards

Durdan’s Confectionary – c. 1915

Image above found at SWODA

A postcard view of the shop of F. Charles Durdan (incorrectly spelled Durdin on the card) found at 31 Sandwich Street. It was located on the south side of Sandwich, in the middle of the block between Ouellette & Goyeau.

From the Evening Record August 11, 1914:


Sandwich Street Merchant Badly Cut and Bruised in Attack at Store.

In it pitched battled with robbers in his store Monday at midnight, Charles Durdan. proprietor of a confectionery store at 31 Sandwich street east, was badly cut over the head and knocked down a flight of stairs, which resulted in numerous bruises about his body. His assailants then made their escape by leaping out of a rear window into the alley.

Mr. Durdan was passing his store, and on looking in saw that things were not arranged as they were left an hour before and he entered the place. He went into, the basement, then went upstairs where the candy is made, and as he opened, the door he was hit over the head with a large club. He gave fight to his assailant, and during the scuffle he was knocked downstairs. The men then rushed to a window and jumped out.

Mr. Durdan sleeps in the front part of the building and always carries a large amount of money with him. Monday night he had $175 with him, and it is thought that somebody saw the money and went into the building to wait for him. Nothing else in the store was touched.

He passed away in 1936 at the age of 61, at his home at 315 Victoria, on the west side of Victoria between University & Park. He had been sick for about 4 years. His parents were pioneer settlers of the district, his father Richard Durdan, also ran a confectionary business. Charles also owned and operated a cigar factory, he’s buried at St. John’s Cemetery in Sandwich.

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