Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Pitt and Ferry – 1958

Happy Friday, happy long weekend!

Today’s photo is looking south east at the corner of Pitt and Ferry. This was taken during a visit to Windsor by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. The caption to the photo reads as follows:

    SIDEWALK SUPERINTENDENTS – Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker, gloves in hand, stands in the middle of Pitt St. W. today and listens while Roy R. Hicks, Progressive Conservative candidate in Essex East, tells him about the 60 feet of dilapidated red brick buildings which will remain standing beside Windsor’s new Post Office, now being constructed, if present government plans are not changed.

On the same tour, the PM dropped in on mayor Michael J. Patrick for a surprise visit at the “new $1,790,000 city hall, not yet furnished”, he was particularly attracted to the “functional council chambers”.

Have a great long weekend everyone! Remember, no post Monday for the holiday, see you back here Wednesday.

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