Old Newspaper StoriesWindsor

Grace Hospital Nurses’ Residence

One of my favourite buildings on the Grace Hospital complex, is the Brett Building, at the corner of University & Oak.

The photo above appeared in the Windsor Star – December 12, 1953:

    “The steel girders going into place for the new nurses’ residence at Grace Hospital are giving shape to the building which has been so long needed by the Salvation Army hospital. The building, which will cost approximately $550,000, will accommodate 141 students and will include 79 single rooms and 31 double rooms. This residence is expected to be completed by August 1954, and will replace nine separate homes in the area where the students are now living. In the photo above, riggers are shown as they work on the steel framework of the nurses’ home. Construction of the residence started in August. Architect for the building is J.C. Pennington and general contractor is Dinsmore Construction Limited. On the ground floor level there will be classrooms and laboratories as well as recreational space for the student nurses.”

The photo above (and at the top) was taken right around the time that Grace Hospital was wrapping up operations.

Here it is a few years later, all boarded up.

A view of the cornerstone from 1953.

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Today it looks unkempt, and dirty. Hopefully this part of the hospital is included in the rehabilitation plans for the Grace Site. Otherwise if it is demolished, I think it would leave a massive hole in the University Avenue streetscape.


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