
Sandwich First Baptist Church

One of only two National Historic Sites in Windsor, the Sandwich First Baptist Church on Peter Street in Windsor’s far west end, was built around 1851.

Records indicate the congregation officially began around 1840, with worship being held in a log cabin the congregation built. Shortly after that Queen Victoria & the Crown, gave a land grant to the congregation, and in August, 1851 the present church was dedicated. The bricks for the church were all handmade by members of the congregation, many of whom were fugitive slaves from the United States.

By the 1970’s the congregation had shrunk and the church was closed and abandoned. A dedicated group of volunteers helped see the church reopened and put back to use by around 1985-86.

This building is an amazing part of this region’s history, and is one of the sites that will be included in this year’s Doors Open lineup.

For more informatioan about the story of this chuch, click this link here ->

** As a side note, where did May go? Seems like it just flew by… Tomorrow is June already!

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