Lost WindsorOld PhotographsPostcardsWindsor

Rail Stations Through The Years


The station above was on Devonshire Road in Walkerville. The station was designed by Detroit Architects Mason & Rice, in 1890. The station was demolished in 1957.

Here’s the site of the station today.

Today Via services are run out of the new Walkerville station, with talk of replacing this station with a new one.


The CN station was located on the waterfront at the foot of Goyeau in Windsor. It was built in 1884 and closed in 1961. It was demolished shortly after.

The photo above and below appeared in the Michael Gladstone White book “A Moment in time”, however as usual there is no credit given for the source of the images. The one below however ran in the Windsor Star December 30, 1952.

The Star at the time was calling for the end of this station, and the story alongside the photos read as follows:

… others who visit Windsor for the first time by train experience some strange reactions. Their first impressions are gained by the sight of Walkerville homes, by the wealth of industry such as the Ford of Canada plants with the Hiram Walker and sons buildings. The first view of the Detroit River and the Michigan skyline is breathtaking as the train goes under the Peabody Bridge, and out onto the river banks for its run to the station. Buoyed up with this expansive view, the new arrival steps off onto the platform, looks down the line and there he sees a sight to behold. The aged Victorian Windsor station rears its black dormers. Old, scarred timbers support a narrow roof over the platform. Its bricks are scarred and chipped.

The traveler who comes by train has already passed through London, and he undoubtedly remembers the station he saw there. The stations he sees reflect the life – or lack of it – of the communities he passes. This picture shows the Windsor waiting room. It has wooden floors, its door frames are old and scarred. In another day the glow from the old coal stove may have been a delight to the traveler, but in these times it looks incongruous. The same arrival may make the mistake of walking up the plank stair, and into one of Windsor’s toughest sections. If he finds his way to Ouellette, he finds no expansive view of the river, but in its place a barricade of old buildings. Windsor needs badly a new C.N.R. station, but it needs just a much a program to rejuvenate this vital area.


This station was located along the riverfront, built into the embankment for the bridge on Riverside Drive that crosses the rail cut.

The station was built in 1890 and designed by Edward Colonna, who was for a while the architect for the Canadian Pacific railroad, designing stations from coast to coast.

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The station was located at the green arrow. Traces of the station can still be seen in the embankment, an old door and window, are visible in the brick wall.


This photo above is the first one I’ve ever seen of the original Michigan Central Station. This photo also appeared in the Michael Gladstone White book “A Moment in time”, without a source. He claimed in the book it was taken in 1907. He notes this station was located on the riverfront between Elm and Cameron. It must have been replaced shortly after as the new station opened in 1911.

The 1911 station has been covered here recently in full detail. It was torched by an arsonist in 1996.

More info on this station can be found on this post.

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