Next to go, is this burned out mess on Louis, right off of Riverside Drive.
It’s about time the city started to take some action on these eyesore properties in the core. It wasn’t that long ago, if something burned down, it was quickly taken care of. These days it seems that these buildings sit around for years.
Click here to read the 155-157 Louis Report to City Council.
Do you remember this place?
It’s still there. A whole two weeks short of a year after it was supposed to be demolished. I’m sure it will be there for years to come.
I remember back when I was a kid, we always joked around about how burnt out buildings in houses sat around in Detroit forever before finally being cleaned up and torn down. Now, sadly Windsor is getting to be almost as bad.
Look at the pile of rubble that was Universal Button on Walker Rd. Last I checked cleanup of that mess hasn’t even begun yet.
Jay – I know, I was by that dump in your comment last week. I’m shocked that it’s still standing.
Rob – There is a house around the corner from me, maybe 5 or 6 blocks away that has been burned out for 2.5 – 3 years. It’s pathetic.
The ecuse I heard was that they can’t force the landlord to take it down if they are going to repair it. Though we know if no activity on the building is shown for some time we can expect they won’t fix anything at all.
The other excuse is the insurance companies….blah, blah, blah. If the city can think of these excuses they can definitely think of ways to either get action on these places or remove the blight.
Andrew is right. NEVER have I seen the city turn a blind eye to our neighbourhoods as I have for the last 8 years. Hurst may have been one of the worst mayors we had. Probably the worst when it came to destroying heritage and vintage properties but he never let this crap sit around for so long.
Wow, so this guy has to submit a letter of credit or performance bond that the building will landscaped to the satisfaction of Parks and Rec. after the demo and still obtain all necessary permits to get the demo. How much is that gonna cost? Talk about a lot of red tape just to get a burnt out house on a tiny lot demo’d. No wonder I still see burnt out buildings around the city just sitting there for years.
In that same block there is a house that suppose to be demolished (Chatham East 666).When I asked my landlord couple days ago what is going on, he said that City won’t allow owner to demolish. Instead he had to spend over $45000 in repairs.
I don’t know it if it is true or not, but it’s shame that this part of City so close to downtown looks like zombie land.
Zee – It’s true. There is a by-law requiring council approval for any demolitions in the Glengarry-Marentette area. The house at 666 Chatham, is only in the shape it is becasue the landlord has allowed it to become a turd.
The blame for the shape of the area east of the Casino belongs on the shoulders of the absentee landlords.
Look for the story on 666 Chatham on Friday.
Isn’t this the area that was supposed to be part of an Urban Village? Is this an attempt to de-value the area for cheaper expropriation?
No JP – That area is west of the new bus station, this is east of the Casino.
Andrew, I know its east of the casino… I am not confusing this with the “western super-anchor” Here is the urban village plans I’m referring to.
(from 2003, download the pdf, its interesting) Just wondering if this is going to happen?)
Like every CIP & Study done by the city…. It’s been shelved indefinitely….
The City and Council shelving (aka “note and file”) a report? That doesn’t sound like the wonderful City of Windsor that I live in! I thought we actually followed through with recommendations in these reports and plans. Don’t we have a marina downtown on the waterfront? Isn’t there an arena with a Wayne Gretzky restaurant, oh wait I’m a little confused, I meant an urban village that so many people want to live and shop at. I’m pretty sure we also have an aquarium or water park downtown around this urban village and Riverside Drive’s been widened to include bike lanes and safer traffic measures for all citizens.
The City of Windsor could always change it’s bylaws to make the whole process easier, cheaper and definitely faster.I don’t live in the ward but if I did,I would be all over my councillor until something was done.
The city should just acquire these properties slowly like they did with the Brighton Beach area.This area is going to be developed sooner or later.It all seems pretty simple to me.Maybe that’s why council doesn’t get it.I don’t even want to get going on the Indian Rd situation.
It unbelievable that these things go one here.Even Detroit is starting to get it.Why can’t we.
Another dump from the old neighborhood!
Boy, moving to Drouillard Road was like moving to a deluxe apartment in the sky!
I imagine that property values are next to nothing, which is astounding, since it’s practically riverfront property.