Old PhotographsWindsor

Albert F. Healy

On Friday we discussed the Healy-Page-Chappus Real Estate Company, and the principals.

It turns out that Albert F. Healy was also a lawyer, with the firm of Davis and Healy.

It also turns out after seeing the caption in the photo above from the Border Cities Star he was a politician too:

Residence of Mr. A. F. Healy, M.P. & Mrs. Healy Detroit Street

He served one term in Parliament as the Member of Parliament for the riding of Essex North. He served from March 1, 1923 – September 5. He was a member of the Liberal Party and was born in 1873, and passed away in 1942 at the age of 68.

The house above was located at 121 Detroit St. It appears that it is no longer standing, it was located between Sandwich and Peter Streets.

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Recent Comments:

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