Here’s another one from my postcard collection. This Motel was on Huron Church Rd. 1.5 miles from the Bridge. Postcard dates to the late 1940’s. Another piece of lost Windsor.
Recent Comments:
- John Ross School – 2715 Bernard: “Christine: Your message is totally flooring me. Thought I’d check my old grade school – John Ross – and found…” Sep 6, 18:04on
- John Ross School – 2715 Bernard: “wow, it was so good to see my old public school. And Miss Sternbauer, your comments were so great. You…” Sep 5, 11:39on
- Windsor’s Biggest Architectural Loss: “What a crime that this was demolished. The city has gone downhill ever since. You take out Catholic religious, and…” Aug 2, 21:30on
- 435 Mill Street – 1957: “I remember this building. The bus would stop and the driver would get off, taking the coin dispenser with him.…” Jul 22, 12:54on
- White’s Restaurant & The Elbow Room – 33 Pitt Street East: “Ooh, “Scientifically AIR-CONDITIONED”.” Jul 15, 06:13on
I wonder if this is the same motel, after more than a few renos over the years, and presumably a name change or two.
The location is about right. And it is possible the peaked roof and extra units to the north were added years later, and that the little cottage-office was torn down in the process.
Could be John. I wish there was a address to cross check against.
Next time I’m at the WPL Main I’ll check the old city directories. Unless there was a numbering change along Huron Church road since those days….?
John, lastt renumbering was 1937… So as long as you’re after that date you’ll be fine.
What about the Sandwich West annexation in the ’60s? (It was the ’60s right?) That brought with it no particular changes in the numbering on Huron Church road in that area?
Yeah, 1962. I don’t tihink it really affected the westside. I think there was some renumbering with Riverside though…
There`s no way it`s not the Bestway. I drive that road every day, and knew it was still standing as soon as I saw it. I looked it up on street view and sure enough, Bestway fits the bill.