
The Ad The Star Refused To Run

I have myself signed up for Google News alerts pertaining to Windsor.

I found this one interesting that I recieved this AM.

Is the Windsor Star scared of Kenny and Buzz?

Windsor Star refuses Labourers’ Union full-page ad aimed at stopping CAW raid; LIUNA turns to radio and expands print campaign
TORONTO, April 19 /CNW/ – The Labourers’ Union (LIUNA) will be taking to
the airwaves in Canada’s Motor City after the Windsor Star refused to run
LIUNA’s full-page advertisement challenging the leadership of the Canadian
Auto Workers to stop funding a raid on Toronto-based LIUNA Local 183.
The ad refused by the Star appeared in other Ontario daily newspapers
last Thursday: the Toronto Sun, the St. Catharines Standard and the
Kitchener-Waterloo Record. It will also be appearing today in the London Free
Press and the Chatham Daily News. The ad can be viewed on LIUNA’s special
website devoted to the issue:
“We sent the Star the ad on Monday, April 9, three days in advance of
publication, so they had plenty of time to review it,” says Joseph Mancinelli,
LIUNA’s Director of Central and Eastern Canada and an International Vice
“They pulled it on Wednesday evening and only informed our agency after
hours that the ad was ‘controversial,’ had potential ‘liability’ problems and
that they would require changes before they would consider running it.”
“We never heard back from them on what changes they would require but it
doesn’t matter because we wouldn’t have changed a word. Every fact presented
in that ad is a matter of public record and we stand behind it 100 percent.”
Mancinelli said the union is now using radio advertising in Windsor to
get the word out about the refused ad and to send listeners to the website to
learn the whole story behind the CAW’s million dollar funding of former LIUNA
Local 183 Business Manager Tony Dionisio’s attempts to raid his former union.
The radio ads can be heard online at
Dionisio was ousted from LIUNA after independent investigations and open
hearings found numerous serious ethical violations during his administration
of Local 183, North America’s largest construction union local.

For further information: Joseph Mancinelli, (905) 522-7177

Here is the AD the Star REFUSED to run:

What’s your take?

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