Over on the corner of John R. & Alfred, something is happening that I never thought I would see…
The Turret is on life support, but is being saved.
Perhaps Detroit’s most iconic ruin, the Ransom Gillis is getting a new lease on life after deteriorating for almost three deceades.
This is a wonderful event for the preservation community in general. After so many setbacks over the last few years, this is a welcome surprise.
While I’m certain that Crosswinds will give it the same new treatment that other historic rehabs recieved, they deserve to be lauded for the structures they have saved.
From the rear the new lid is very visible. I never thought I would see this day…
This project is even more amazing when you consider the home’s advanced state of deterioration. The entire roof is gone, as is some brickwork on the 2nd floor, and I can’t even imagine the water damage inside. The foundation looks like it has stood up well though. Maybe that was its saving grace. One point for the “good guys” anyway!
I never thought I would see this day. As a student of Urban Studies at Cleveland State Uuniversity ( My focus is Historic Preservation ), I’ve been following the developments in Brush Park alot lately. It makes me happy to see this gem being restored to its former glory. Hopefully others will follow!!!!! Keep up the good work guys!!!!!!!
Nope. Never finished. Thanks Kwame!